TaskQuark just released version 1.0, now with Activity tracking and PDF reporting.

Start with the Todopad

Get your daily Agenda and To-Do List ready, in one single place

A TaskQuark Todopad screenshot

Quickly add new tasks

Quickly capture new todo items into the default project. Organize and classify them later.

Focus and follow up

Select a single project or have a broad view of the whole day. Get the list of tasks on hold, to follow up on stalled tasks.

Easily navigate days

Change the day back and forth, to check other days work to do. Keep an eye on overdue tasks from past days.


Get the Agenda for the day

Get automatically your daily agenda, from all the tasks of all projects, ordered by time.

Use the date navigator to preview tomorrow’s agenda, or any other date if needed.

Filter by a specific projects or group of projects


Automatic To-Do list

Get the present list of tasks to do, ongoing or planned, that you can tackle today.

Todopad On Hold List


Follow up on tasks on hold

Have a list of tasks sent to others or that you stopped for any reason.


A daily remainder of overdue tasks

Keep an eye on the lists of tasks with past due dates, or targeted for a previous day, so nothing gets forgotten with more incoming work.

Try your first project…

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