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Legal Notice

Latest update: 2024-04-01

Service, Websites and Applications

The web pages under the domain www.taskquark.com (the website) are a publicly accesible web site offering information to Internet visitors about the service features and terms.

The web application at web.taskquark.com (the application) and other services under the domain tq.contact (additional services) are a private Software as as Service (Saas) service only accessible by registration.

Service Provider

The websites, applications and services hosted under the domains taskquark.com and tq.contact (collectively, the service) are a copyrighted work provided by (the Company, we, us):

TaskQuark, LLC
1207 Delaware Ave. Suite 2067
Wilmington, DE 19806

Contact information

For any issue regarding the service, please contact us via email: info@taskquark.com

Terms and Policies

Terms and Conditions

The Terms and Conditions explain the agreements that govern the use of the service.

Privacy Policy

The Privacy Policy explains how the service collects personal information and user data, for what purposes, and how this information may be shared with third parties.

Cookies Policy

The Cookies Policy explains how the service uses web cookies and other related technologies.


© 2024 TaskQuark, LLC. All rights reserved.


The names TaskQuark, taskquark.com, tq.contact and their logos are all marks, trademarks, registered trademarks, service marks, registered service marks, business names, registered business names or Internet domain names owned by TaskQuark, LLC.

Any other trademarks, service marks, collective marks, design rights or similar rights that are displayed, mentioned, used or cited in this work are the property of their respective owners. Unless otherwise stated there is no affiliation with any of the holders of any such rights and no rights are granted to use any otherwise protected materials.

Third party credits

Home page background image by onlyyouqj. See www.freepik.com